Email upgrade – update

Please see for all IT service updates Mar 05 Email upgrade: update IT news The student and alumni email service ‘Live@edu’ is being upgraded … Read more

Law Evaluations

Dear students, Good, bad, or ugly, your feedback about the modules really does mean a lot to us, and I would be most grateful if … Read more

Exam week 13-17 May

Examinations are scheduled to take place from Monday 13th – Friday 17th May 2013. All students taking the modules listed below are expected to sit … Read more

ONE advocacy

Dear All, Tue. 19th of March at 15.30 Erin Finucane, Campaign Manager of ONE, will be coming to give an introductory talk about ONE, a … Read more

Mona Shair Update

Dear BSISers, This is probably one of the last emails you will receive from me this semester, since my individual sessions are now booked out … Read more

International Dinner

Dear students, admins and professors, don’t forget: the official ticket sale for the BSIS INTERNATIONAL DINNER has started! Lets sum it up: When? 12. April … Read more