Graduation lunch

Dear all, Congratulations to all students who have successfully completed their programme. We are very proud of your achievements. We are planning a celebratory luncheon … Read more

Wifi Printing

You now have access to print over wifi either from within the office or from home. Instructions to add/install printer on your laptop (choose either … Read more

Rubbish Bins

Please place the correct rubbish in the correct bins.  The bins are labelled for recycling, paper and all other refuse.

FDR Seminars – Modifications

To all September 2013 Masters Students, At the end of this message, please find re-confirmation of your FDR seminar assignments for this term. Many of … Read more

Global Skills Award

Hi all, this is a reminder on the Global Skills Award Programme, which is open also to all taught postgraduate students here at BSIS as … Read more

Law of the Sea Class

Dear Students following my law of the sea class On 7 October we will have our first guest speaker, Prof. E. Somers of the University … Read more

FDR Seminars

Dear all, Following last night’s introductory FDR lecture and topics selection, you now have an opportunity to indicate your availability so that the chosen topics … Read more