Dear BSIS, BSIS SWEATSHIRTS ARE ONLY 15 EURO! They will remain this price for the remainder of the term or until they are all gone! … Read more


High Hopes High Fears How EU Enlargement is the most controversial contemporary policy issue 11 April 2014 9:00H-16:00h Committee of the Regions Rue Belliard 99-101 … Read more

Conference Volunteers

Have YOU ever had the desire to volunteer at an international conference in the European Union?? Now is YOUR CHANCE to do so. The 2014 … Read more

15th Birthday Reception Photos

Dear all, Thank you all for helping us celebrate the 15th birthday of the Brussels School of International Studies last week. We hope that you … Read more

Celebrating 15 Years

University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies celebrated its 15th birthday with a reception for current students and Brussels-based alumni on Friday 21st February. … Read more