A new doctor at BSIS!

It is with considerable delight that we announce that Bilyana Petkova has been admitted the title of Ph.D. Her thesis is entitled “Context at the … Read more

CFAU Presentation

Hi all – For those students who are interested in the BSIS-CFAU exchange program but were unable to attend my presentation today, please find below … Read more

Word Count clarification

Dear all, A few questions regarding word count have arisen, so it was thought a clarification would be in order. The word count that is … Read more


Come one come all to the BSIS OLYMPICS! The events will be held THURSDAY 10 APRIL from 18:00-20:00. The events will take place at and … Read more

End of Term Party!

Hello everyone! As you well know, this is the last week of class for Spring ’14 semester. I know we’re all going to be super … Read more