Message from Mia Nilsen
It’s that time of year again… BGU ELECTIONS!
If you feel yourself with a passion for student politics, or just a normal need to socialise and be a part of something, or even just a need to have something to expand your CV with feel free to run for a BGU position! It is fun, it is a great way to get involved with the university as well as the student body, and your student experience will be richer from it. I promise.
Here is a (an old) a BGU presentation ( with info on what we do and how (but we love new challenges and approaches so feel free to come with new ideas!) and attached a list over the available positions with a brief explanation on what each entail. The explanations are brief not only because they are flexible to your own needs, but also to the needs of the students and that we do tend to help each other out across positions and task delegation. So even if your ideal position is not up for election, remember that any position is as valuable as the next and is not static in its tasks.
So send in your platforms on why YOU should be elected to any of the positions by Friday 25th of January at 12.00, and voting will commence soon after, closing on Tuesday 29th of January.
All students are encourage to run, but especially January and part-time students as they can be a part of the overlap next year which makes the running of BGU SO much easier.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact any of the BGU reps either through Facebook (we are listed on the BSIS 2012 and 2013 pages, email or phone (numbers lister below) , we LOVE answering questions! (not only about elections of course)
Niels: 0499736598 (president)
Mia: 0477749206 (social)
Marta: 0491127747 (academic)
Lauu: 0497709085 (ex-admin and liaison rep)
Ben: 0485601919 (treasurer)
Frederick: 0483126345 (welfare)
Scott: 0471781550 (sports)
Vanita: 0499739341 (international conference)
Kind regards / Vennlig hilsen
Mia Nilsen
+32 (0) 477 49 206
+47 995 21 050