The School of Politics and International Relations and the Conflict Analysis Research Centre (CARC) is delighted to invite you to the 2018 John Burton Lecture. Details on the speaker, date, times and venue can be found below.
All are welcome to attend (university staff and students and the general public). Free to attend. No booking necessary.
Please feel free to distribute to any networks, lists or individuals you feel may be interested.
This year’s speaker will be Professor Marie-Joëlle Zahar, Department of Political Science, University of Montreal. Marie-Joelle has written widely on the dynamics of political violence, mediation and institution building after violence across a range of cases, including Lebanon and the Balkans. Marie-Joëlle has crossed over between academia and practitioner activity in peacebuilding efforts, and from 2013-2015 served as Senior Expert on Power Sharing on the Standby Team of Mediation Experts at the UN Department of Political Affairs. The title of Marie-Joëlle’s lecture is ‘The (in)efficiency of mediation in contemporary conflicts: A question of design?’
2018 John Burton Lecture
‘The (in)efficiency of mediation in contemporary conflicts: A question of design?’
Professor Marie-Joëlle Zahar
Thursday 15 November 2018, 6-7.30pm (drinks reception afterwards in Aphra Foyer)
Grimond Lecture Theatre 2 (GLT2), University of Kent
All University staff and students and the general public are welcome to attend
Free to attend and no booking necessary
This lecture will be live streamed and can be watched live by University staff and students (must have a University IT account) by clicking this link –
In addition to the above lecture, there will be also a policy workshop taking place during Marie-Joelle’s visit on Friday 16 November 2018, 9am-12pm in the Darwin Board Room (Darwin College). The workshop is open to all University staff and students and is free to attend but as space is limited please e-mail in advance to book your place.
As part of the workshop the following talks will be given:
Dr Nadine Ansong “Security sector reform and the stability of post-war peace”, funded by the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GICA)
Dr Laura Sudulich, Dr Edward Morgan-Jones, Professor Feargal Cochrane and Professor Neophytos Loizides, “ Citizen preferences in the design of effective peace processes, funded by the US Institute of Peace (USIP)
Professor Marie Joelle-Zahar “One size does not fit all: the strategic use of inclusion in mediation processes” funded by the US Institute of Peace (USIP)
RSVP for the workshop by e-mailing: