Dr Maria Mälksoo will present a paper ‘Countering Hybrid Warfare: The EU and NATO Mediating between Daily Security and Ontological Security’ at the ISA Workshop, preceding the 2017 ISA Annual Convention in Baltimore, on 21 February 2017.
The Workshop is focused on the theme: ‘Fear, Trauma, and Belonging: The Everyday of Ontological Security in International Relations’. The event will bring together internationally-renowned scholars from twelve institutions across Europe, North America, and Australia, with the aim of developing a transformative analytical strategy that combines notions of ontological security and the everyday within a new conceptual framework through the presentation of original research that is based on a wide array of empirical reference points. See further at: http://web.isanet.org/Web/Conferences/Baltimore%202017-s/Baltimore%202017%20-%20Full%20Program.pdf