The BSIS Graduate Student Union will have an election for two positions within its Student Committee!
It is an electrifying opportunity to get involved in the Union and take part in the action! The two positions are:
– BGSU Vice President
The Vice President is a key figure within the Student Committee. The main role is to assist the BGSU President and to assume presidential responsibilities in his/her absence. The Vice President has a one-term mandate and becomes the BGSU President at the beginning of next term. Main tasks include pursuing enquiries in the case of non-attendance at meetings on the part of BGSU Members; keeping minutes of BGSU Meetings and BGSU General Meetings; distributing minutes within the BGSU Student Committee, to Union Executive Committee and to External Bodies as required (upon the Student Committee agreement). The Vice President is required to maintain all BGSU paperwork and the internal contact list.
– BGSU Communication Officer
This new position will play an essential role in building the BGSU legacy. The Communication Officer will be in charge of creating a BGSU year report, which will include perspective objectives, implementation, and reports about every event and an assessment of them. The Communication Officer works closely with every BGSU Officer, the Treasurer, the Vice President, and the President: keeping track of the evolution of their roles, the activities and the adherence to the BGSU mission, and long-term and short-term objectives. The Communication Officer will formally report to the Committee twice per term: the first time, about the stated objectives and the general direction for the term; the second time, about the achievements and the assessment of individual events and the general evolution of the Academic, Social, Sports, External Activities, … events, causing a general discussion within the Committee. The Communication Officer has a one-term mandate, but is required to choose one of the positions within the Student Committee for the following term (except for Communication Officer, Vice President or President of the BGSU).
Nominations Open: Monday 30th Jan @ 11:00 Close: Sunday 5th Feb @ 17:00 Voting Opens: Monday 6th Feb @ 13:00 Close: Friday 10th Feb @ 17:00
Students should keep in mind that, if elected, they will remain in the Student Committee next term. For this reason these positions are not open for anyone who is currently in their last term here at BSIS.
For further information please check your email or contact the BGSU directly.