Good day fellow students.
I hope all are working hard on your classes these days. First at all, I want to thank each of you who took part of our Halloween activity this weekend. I think it was a success and as you see, the best activities take place when a lot of students are involved. I would like to acknowledge the work and effort of our Social Department and especially the huge effort of Gopi Nair, Akbar Husain, Sudhanshu Verma and Kira O’Bradovich who did an excellent job.
Secondly, and more important, I want to call elections for the position of Vice-President. The Vice-President is one of the most important positions in the Union. Firstly because the VP is the memory of the Union. The idea is that the VP learns how the union works and she or he uses that knowledge to organize the agenda the following term. The VP will keep the records of each activity, meeting or budget in order to guarantee accountability inside the Union. Also, because the VP will become the President the next term. The idea is that both VP and President work together to maintain alive and organize the extracurricular students life inside and outside the Uni. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet the incoming students and to develop their projects with the help of the institution of the Union. Thirdly, because the VP is a balance to the power of the president. In a democracy is important to have more than one person in power. In case that the president is not fulfilling his job, the VP would take power.
In the sake of democracy, the VP position is open to all the students. This position has to be elected through vote. The election of the VP will consist of two parts: first the reception of candidatures. This phase will last until the next Sunday, 8th November 00:00h. The idea is to write two paragraphs showing your background and experience (if you have) and another paragraph saying what you expect and what should be expected from you in case you become the VP. The second part are the elections that will take place in the Uni. The date will depend to the first part but it has to take place as closest as possible to the first deadline.
People, I encourage you to take part of this process. This is the President that will represent and organize you interest next year once I have to give away my position.
Thank you for your attention and your participation.
Kind regards,
Daniel López Pérez
BGSU President
MA Candidate, International Political Economy
Brussels School of International Studies
University of Kent