[Reminder] Tomorrow: Public Lecture by Prof Hans Lindahl/ Boundaries, Limits, and Fault Lines: Democracy in a Global Context

The University of Kent Public Lecture Series

We cordially invite you to the public lecture on
Wednesday 08 April 2015
at 14.00-16.00 (2pm-4pm)

Boundaries, Limits, and Fault Lines: Democracy in a Global Context

Hans Lindahl
University of Tilburg

Chaired by Professor Harm Schepel, BSIS

This event is free to attend.
Please register by sending an email to kentpubliclecture@gmail.com, stating your name and affiliation.
Wilson Room (3rd floor)
Brussels School of International Studies
University of Kent
Pleinlaan / Boulevard de la Plaine 5
B-1050 Brussels
Maps & directions

(The lecture will be followed by a light reception)
For more information and future announcements on the University of Kent Public Lecture Series, have a look at our Facebook page
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