New Module next term: Total War 1914-45

Dear all,

Following up on my earlier email and the need to verify your module registrations for next term, this is just to let you know we are offering a new module next term through the School of History:  Total War: 1914-45 — please see the description here:

First World War gave birth to the concept of ‘total war’; the Second World War became the paradigmatic instance of this new kind of warfare. Both military conflicts reveal a novel trend towards a total mobilisation of society and global, unrestricted warfare against enemy armies and populations. This module examines the experience of war in the light on the concept’s implications, in particular the erosion of the boundaries between military and civilian spheres and targets. The structure of the module follows the chronology of the events. It looks at WWI and WWII, as well as ‘total’ ideologies such as Fascism and Communism, the impact of the era of total war on international relations, the emergence and rule of authoritarian (military) dictatorships, possible parallels with colonial rule and the topics of genocide and the Shoah (Holocaust). The second part of this module also tackles contemporary legacies: the diverse (political, social, technical etc.) impact of total war, transitional justice, historical interpretations, current day presence and collective memories.

Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels, Ph.D.
Lecturer in Migration and Politics
Director, MA in International Migration
Director, Graduate Studies (Taught)
University of Kent, Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 2641 1721 |

See my book: Migrants or Expatriates? Americans in Europe,