We are delighted to announce that Dr Tom Casier has been appointed as Academic Director for the Brussels School of International Studies with responsibility for the day to day running, leadership and development of the Centre. Dr Casier, who also holds a Jean Monnet chair, will continue to convene the MA in European Public Policy. “I am looking forward to taking on this appointment and to a new stage in the development and growth of the Brussels centre. With an excellent teaching faculty and extremely talented student body, I am proud to take on leadership here at BSIS” says Dr Casier.
Professor Roger Vickerman retired as Dean of Brussels in July 2014 after five years and will now take on the role as Dean for Europe from September 2014. As Dean he will have the strategic responsibility for the development of the University’s four European Centres in Brussels, Paris, Rome and Athens. Professor Vickerman comments “I have enjoyed my time as Dean of the Brussels centre and am certain that the Brussels School of International Studies will continue to flourish under the direction of Dr Casier”.
The staff profile for Dr Casier can be found at http://www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/staff/profiles/brussels/casier.html and for Professor Vickerman at http://www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/staff/profiles/brussels/vickerman.html