Hello BSIS!
I hope everyone is doing well and hunkering down for essays and the upcoming holiday break. I would like to introduce myself, if you don’t already know me. My name is Hannah and I am this years International Conference Chair. A quick recap, the International Conference is typically held in April and highlights a topic that is current in international affairs, which concerns all of the subjects taught at BSIS. I am working on getting the topics outlined and by Monday will have the topics displayed in the student room and also through a doodle. Through doodle you will be able to vote for the one you like the best.
If anyone wants to help out finding speakers, organizing or with general logistics please send me an email at hannah.d.jordan@gmail.com. In the next two weeks I will set up a meeting at my house and we can hash some ideas out and make an outline for what areas people want to work on.
Thanks so much! ALL FEEDBACK IS WELCOME and if you have ANY ideas, give me a holla!
Hannah Jordan
Rotary International – Global Grants Scholar
University of Kent – Masters International Conflict and Security
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer – Mali, West Africa 2011-2012
+32 485 50 52 43