Hello everyone,
For those of you who do not know me, my name is Jamie Crain (the academic officer of the BGU) and I have been asked to manage the re-vote for the position of vice president.
So here is what you need to know:
The re-vote will take place in person on Wednesday (13 November) and Thursday (14 November) in the student room. There will be a table set up with a ballot box which will be manned at all times by a member of the BGU.
In order to cast your vote all you have to do is show your student ID card to the facilitator, who will check your name off of a list, and you will be asked to sign your name to verify that you have voted. They will then offer you one ballot, which you will fill out and drop into the box. This ensures that every student gets only one vote.
I will be posting this message on facebook as well as sending it via the bsis-13@kent.ac.uk email. I will also be posting information about the election and the nomination statements of each candidate in the student room tomorrow.
Keeping things legitimate:
My main goals throughout this election process are to make sure that it remains legitimate and runs smoothly.
โ I will be assembling a small group of BGU members to serve as an oversight throughout the entire process.
-The votes will be counted by more than one member of the BGU and the number of votes will be cross checked with the number of signatures on the list.
-Alastair Ross and BGU president Chris Heim have been notified of the process and have affirmed its legitimacy.
-I respectfully request that any concerns that any of you may have regarding the process of this election be emailed to me personally (jrc57@kent.ac.uk or crain.renee.jamie@gmail.com) by tomorrow (Tuesday 12 November) at 17:00 and not post them to the facebook page. Additionally I ask that any criticisms be given constructively and accompanied by suggestions. I will do my best to, when possible, address any concerns.
Thank you all for your patience and participation!
Jamie Renee Crain
Academic Officer โ Brussels Graduate Union
Masters of Law Candidate
Kent University
Brussels School of International Studies