Meet the New Brussels Graduate Student Union (BGSU)

The Brussels Graduate Student Union (BGSU) is an organisation our students can turn to for advice, community, and representation within the school and the University as a whole. This year, the Union is comprised of ten elected members, each dedicated to their respective role:

Christian Emilio Carli, President
Fabio Almada Torres, Vice-President
Sheetal S. Joshi, Communications Officer
Demi-Youme Diallo, Equality and Diversity Officer
Mukta Dhopeshwarkar, Treasurer 
Kaytlyn Rumelhart, Administrative Officer
Claire Perritano, Event Coordinator i
Giovanna C. Pignataro, Event Coordinator ii
Billy Bumgardner, Sports and Active-Life Representative
Reach out to the BGSU by email at or on Instagram. They’d be happy to get in touch!