International Conference – Call for Organisers!

Calling all potential Conference organisers!

 As you know, each year students organise the Student Conference at the end of the January term, followed by the student-organised International Dinner (this year on April 7). 

So you have an idea of what the general framework of past conferences have looked like, the programme for the 2017 conference is here: and a report on the 2016 conference here: .

Time passes more quickly than one thinks, and even though the September term is still young, it is time to start the planning process. 

In order to gauge the number of potential proposals and interest, if you have a concept for the Student Conference, please:

1) Write a 1-2 paragraph description of the broad proposed topic of the conference;

2) give an idea of how you would plan to organise the day;

3) give an idea of potential speakers;

4) note any experience you have in conference organization.

 Please send these responses/ text blocks by email by October 15 to

After this date, we will discuss with all of those who have expressed interest and work with you to identify core organisers and the Conference Committee.