Your key2advance account, individual sessions, workshops and networking event

Dear BSISers,

I would like to inform you that our advisors are ready to meet with you starting the 7th of October. To help you gain an overview of the workshops and bios of the advisors, please refer to the attached document.

We will have around 64 possible sessions for this semester that can be booked through your account. We will be adding the sessions with Olaf Deussen (EU Diplomacy) and Sarah Sommer (MIgration) next week to the platform. Auset Mitchell (NATO/SHAPE) will be added this weekend.

The deadline for the Red Cross internships is on the 10th of October and you can you upload your applications and fill out the questions through your account.

Otherwise, Jake is looking forward to helping you perfect your application documents on the 5th and 12th of October from 13:00 to 15:00 in the auditorium.

I will personally either see you again during the employability weekend on the 14th and 15th of October or at the Networking workshop on the 26th of October followed by the networking event in the evening.

Kindest regards

Important notice:
Every student that would like to receive business cards and/or sign up for an individual appointment, has to create an account (link and instructions below)

When registering the first time, please enter all your details correctly  (paying attention to capitalization, special characters and symbols) since this will appear on your business cards.

For more detailed information, you can read below.



  • Business cards

BSIS will sponsor business cards for the September intake, new PhD students and all those who did NOT yet order their cards (every student only receives one batch of 100 cards).

The deadline for entering your information for the business cards is Monday the 9th of October.

Please double check that all the information is correct when entering your data whilst registering the first time, since the print shop will copy/paste all the data entries to make your cards. (pay attention to capitalization of letters, special spelling, spacing between numbers and symbols).

On the 26th during the networking workshop (Auditorium, between 13:00 and 15:00), you will receive 100 business cards (individually packed) in full color on off-white good quality stock 250g/m2.


* Remember to set a password that you can remember;)
* Your email address serves as your username.
*Once you log on, you can order business cards.
*There is also the option to add a secondary phone number which complements the one you enter when registering. This will also appear on your business card.

  • Overview of workshops

The below times have been confirmed and these workshops will take place in the auditorium. Please remember, they are open to everyone and will help you prepare yourself for your next professional steps.

Thursdays 1pm-3pm. Auditorium

28-Sep What is my Dream Job and how to get it? Plus intro to services and internships. Mona
05-Oct Perfecting your CV for the International/European Market Jake
12-Oct How to write a strong and convincing cover letter Jake
19-Oct Interview Tips and Tricks Martine
26-Oct Networking Skills + Networking Event in the evening at ALOFT Mona
02-Nov How to plan for a career in Human Rights Katharine
09-Nov How to get an internship at the European Parliament? Martine
16-Nov How to get an internship at the UN and International Organisations Marta
Date to be confirmed shortly How to become an EU contract agent with the EEAS, delegations or agencies (TBC) Olaf

Upcoming sessions with Jake Slosser:
October 5th

Auditorium 13:00-15:00

CV Enhancement

A professional CV is the first step towards securing an interview!

Due to large numbers of applications, in response to limited job or internship opportunities, employers pay special attention to the candidate’s first “marketing tool” – their CV. If you would like to polish your CV and give it a competitive edge, whilst still being authentic, feel free to join Jake this Thursday.

*** Please bring two paper copies of your CV (if you can)!

October 12th
Auditorium 13:00-15:00

Cover Letter Writing

9 out of 10 Cover Letters are considered below average!

Come find out how to make yours belong to the best! After having studied the most compelling cover letters, the workshop highlights strategies which guide the applicant towards making his/her arguments more powerful. Particular importance is given to the verbs/tone/message and the shifting of the writer’s perceptual position (to that of the reader).


  • Applying for internships

All the exclusive internship opportunities will be posted online in your account. You can also apply by uploading your application documents directly.
You will receive information about the internships via ukb-jobs with further instructions. If the internship is exclusive, then you can apply by logging into your account.


  • Joint BSIS Alumni Reunion and Networking Event, October 26th

We would like to invite you to attend and participate in the upcoming Joint Alumni reunion and networking event on October 26th from 19:00-22:00 at the ALOFT hotel in Brussels.
Exact address: Place Jean Rey · Brussels B-1040

This set up allows you to ask professionals from various fields questions about their line of work (i.e. working conditions, skills, qualifications, growth possibilities, etc…) whilst also allowing former students to reconnect with the university and various organizations in Brussels.

So far, we have representatives from:

European Parliament
European Commission
European External Action Service
Think Tanks
Communications sector
Public Affairs
Law Firms…etc.

  • Specialised career advice sessions

key2advance has multiple experts in their field offering BSIS students more focused career advice. To read up on their profiles, please read the attached document. They can all offer the same basic feedback regarding your applications and are well established and connected in the Brussels job market.

Only those who have not had a 45 minute session yet, can book a meeting with the advisors, since every student is entitled to only one session for the duration of their academic year.

To book a free meeting, you can select an advisor and a date/time. All of these sessions will take place at the university. Your advisor will let you know where they will take place. If the sessions are during the day, then the meetings will be in the conference room. If they take place after 5pm or on the weekends, then these will take place in the student area.

In order to register for an appointment with a key2advance advisor, please go to:

If you do not have a user account yet, please create one.

The information you provide helps our advisors to:

1. better prepare for the appointment
2. have a phone number to call you if needed

If you already had a meeting and would like to book an additional private session with an advisor for the price of 35€/session + VAT, then please contact me at:

If you managed to get through to here, then you are fully up to date on what key2advance will be offering the next weeks!;)

Best regards


Mona Shair-Wloch
Managing Director

Career Advisor

Internship Coordinator

+ 49 151 207 07 847 (m)

+ 49 228 240 119 35 (t)