BSIS Office Opening Hours from 27th March 2017

Dear Students,

I hope you are all well. I write to notify you that, following consultations with the Brussels Graduate Student Union (BGSU), there will shortly be a change to the opening times of the BSIS Office (the Reception). This change is due to the reduced capacity in the Office as a result of a recently vacated post (which is actively being filled). More broadly however, the change is also to ensure the Office continues to achieve its core aims, firstly, to deliver a high-quality, helpful and professional service to students, staff and visitors and, secondly, to ensure the effective and efficient management of a substantial portfolio of academic and non-academic administration.

Therefore, as of Monday 27th March 2017, the Reception will be open to student enquiries as follows:

Monday to Friday

09:30 – 12:30

13:30 – 16:00

Please note that, as is currently the case, exceptional circumstances (e.g. staff illness, meetings etc.) may continue to require a variation in these opening times. It remains that this will be communicated to students via email as soon as the circumstances becomes known. Equally and conversely, current opening hours (09:00 – 17:00) remain available where individual circumstances (e.g. important events) require this.

Urgent enquiries from current students outside of these regular opening times should be sent to and will be responded to as soon as possible.

Students studying part-time or with existing personal or professional commitments who cannot attend BSIS during these times are particularly encouraged to contact us with any queries or to arrange an appointment in advance.

It is acknowledged, finally, that an arrangement of this kind warrants regular review and must not cause disproportionate disruption or inconvenience to the user. To help ensure this, we will keep our opening times under review in collaboration with the BGSU.

Kind regards

Benjamin Bishop LLB (Hons.) | Centre Administration Manager |

Brussels School of International Studies | Espace Rolin | Louis Schmidtlaan 2A | 1040 Etterbeek | E: T: 02 641 17 21 |