Dissertation submission

Please find below information about the dissertation submission. All of this information can also be found in the student handbook: https://www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/handbook/pgt.pdf


Presentation & binding

The dissertation must be printed on one side of A4 paper of good quality and should be double-spaced. The font should be 11 or 12 point. Candidates must submit two copies of their dissertation in a soft-backed folder with the pages firmly held together, either a hot glue binding or a spiral binding, on the deadline, and must be submitted as well via Moodle. Hard copies, if mailed, must be postmarked the day of the deadline and may arrive up to 5 working days after the deadline. Each copy must show on the cover the name of the candidate, the title of the dissertation, the degree for which the dissertation is submitted and the year of submission (see https://www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/documents/WritingaPoliticsDissertation.pdf or sample dissertations on FDR Moodle for an example of a cover page). The same information should appear on a page at the front of the dissertation which should also show the title of the dissertation and the number of words (to the nearest thousand) in the text (excluding bibliography, appendices, quotations and any supplemental material which is included for ease of reference but which does not form an essential part of the text).  The attention of candidates is drawn to the fact that all copies of the dissertation must be clearly legible and properly corrected after proof-reading. Each copy must be complete, containing all necessary maps, photographs, diagrams etc.


Notice of submission

Candidates should submit one electronic copy of their dissertation via Moodle. To complete this process please go to the Fundamentals, Dissertation and Research module and and click on the tab marked ‘Assignments’ and follow the instructions online.  Candidates must also complete and submit TWO bound copies of their dissertation to the UKB Office by the deadline. If mailed, they must be sent by courier, not via the national postal service, postmarked by the deadline and arrive no later than 5 working days after the deadline, together with a Notice of Submission Form and, as all dissertations that are awarded Distinction will be catalogued in the Templeman Library in Canterbury, an Access Form. Both of these forms can be found below. The electronic copy should be identical to the hard copies submitted to ukboffice@kent.ac.uk.  Please be aware of the University guidelines on plagiarism and dual submission of coursework. For further information about Turnitin please see: http://www.kent.ac.uk/ai/students/index.html Please note that all dissertations will be analysed using plagiarism software.