On Thursday the 27th of October from 19:00 onwards, key2advance in conjunction with BSIS will be hosting the Joint Alumni Reunion and Networking Event at ALOFT Schuman. The event is open to students of BSIS & alumni only.
We would also like to celebrate the launch of the Mapping the Brussels Job-Market website!
For the past 10 years, key2advance has been guiding students to make the right choices. The students who have had the most success were those who reached out to professionals for information about their chosen field. As a result, they have had more realistic expectations and were more likely to find a fulfilling position in a shorter period of time.
Now, key2advance want to offer that experience to job seekers interested in the European/International affairs sector with our new project: Mapping the Brussels Job Market.
The team, comprised of students from the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies, has spent the last year and a half scouring our Brussels network for professionals of all levels. We asked over 100 professionals the same 5 questions about their jobs. The answers provide invaluable insight into the responsibilities required for entry into the field, skills and qualifications needed to succeed, tips on how to apply for these types of positions and what future trends to look out for and are all gathered on the project website for easy viewing.
The aim is to share this knowledge about various career options and help job seekers connect with the Brussels market.
Many alumni took part in the project and we look forward to strengthening the ties between current students, Brussels-based professionals and alumni.
Registration is open to students & alumni here: