Conflict Termination to Conflict Recurrence 2 day Conference

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Conflict Termination to Conflict Recurrence, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Analysing Post-Conflict Societies

This year’s conference will involve a number of panels and discussions examining the after-effects of conflict and factors that lead to conflict recurrence.

Topics: (Look at the programme)

  • Post-conflict return migration

  • Does it diminish risk? DDR and conflict recurrence

  • Surviving in silence: male survivors of gender based sexual violence in post-conflict societies

  • Who is a victim? Who is a perpetrator? Transitional justice in post-conflict societies

  • Where is your AK-47 going? Casting a shadow over the international arms trade

  • Managing frozen conflicts in the former Soviet Union: solutions and consequences

Who should come: Everyone is welcome! Specifically targeted at policy and law practitioners, members of NGOs, students and academics.

Conference will take place at the University of Kent Brussels Campus
Espace Rolin, Louis Schmidtlaan 2a, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium
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Please note that registration is required for this event

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