The University of Kent Public Lecture Series
We cordially invite you to the public lecture on
Wednesday 08 April 2015
at 14.00-16.00 (2pm-4pm)
Boundaries, Limits, and Fault Lines: Democracy in a Global Context
Hans Lindahl
University of Tilburg
Chaired by Professor Harm Schepel, BSIS
This event is free to attend.
Please register by sending an email to, stating your name and affiliation.
Wilson Room (3rd floor)
Brussels School of International Studies
University of Kent
Pleinlaan / Boulevard de la Plaine 5
B-1050 Brussels
Maps & directions
(The lecture will be followed by a light reception)
For more information and future announcements on the University of Kent Public Lecture Series, have a look at our Facebook page
Feel free to disseminate!