Jean Monnet Lectures, Spring 2015
Brussels School of International Studies & Global Europe Centre
University of Kent. With the Support of the LLP Programme of the European Union
Thursday 2 April 2015 13.00-14.30
Dr. Neil Melvin, SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute)
Developments in Eastern Europe have taken a dramatic turn in 2014, with the annexation of Crimea and a violent conflict erupting in Eastern Ukraine. These developments do not stand alone. They happen in an area characterised by several frozen conflicts and ongoing instability in the Caucasus. They were preceded by the Russia-Georgian war of 2008. As the conflict in Ukraine proves difficult to contain, the risk of escalation seems real.
In this lecture Dr. Neil Melvin will ask the provocative question whether we see a Eurasian war in the making. Neil Melvin is Director of the Programme on Armed Conflict and Conflict Management at SIPRI (Stockholm Peace Research Institute). From 2007 to 2008 he was Reader in Conflict Analysis at the Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) at the University of Kent. He has extensive policy and research experience in the field of conflict, in particular in the former Soviet space.
This event is free to attend.
Please register by sending an email to, stating your name and affiliation.
Wilson Room (3rd floor)
Brussels School of International Studies
University of Kent
Pleinlaan / Boulevard de la Plaine 5
B-1050 Brussels
Maps & directions