International Conference

“Climate Change & The Global Response”
Friday, 10 April, 2015

Please join us for an enlightening discussion on how climate change is affecting global issues and the political and developmental response by national and international actors.

Free admission

Register by email at

University of Kent Brussels School of International Studies
Pleinlaan 5, 3rd Floor, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

10:00 AM       Coffee / Welcome – Che Guevara Student Room
10:30 AM       Session 1 – Speaker presentations – Wilson Room
11:30 AM       Coffee Break
11:45 AM       Session 2 – Q & A with moderator and audience – Wilson Room
12:45 PM       Light Lunch Reception – Che Guevara Student Room

•      Dr. Nils Petter Gleditsch Peace Research Institute of Oslo will speak on climate change and how it affects security.
•      Lies Craynest, EU Policy Advisor for Oxfam, will speak on climate change and food security.
•      Dr. Georgios Kostakos, Executive Director, Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS), will speak on UN climate change negotiations and the role of the EU
•      Dr. Anja Mihr, Utrecht University, who will speak on climate change and human rights and the concept of Climate Justice

International Conference Chair
MA Candidate International Migration
University of Kent BSIS
m +32 (0)4 70223711