JCMS Annual Lecture 2015: China, the EU and the World Order, Brussels, 27 February – invitation to Harm Schepel

Dear all,

If you’re interested, the lecture is open to all but attendance requires registration.


Dr Harm Schepel
Professor of Economic Law
Brussels School of International Studies
University of Kent at Brussels
Pleinlaan 5
1050 Brussels

Tel.: (0032)(0)2 6411729
From: Amy Verdun [averdun@uvic.ca]
Sent: 24 February 2015 15:52
To: Harm Schepel
Cc: Arash Pour Ebrahimi
Subject: Re: JCMS Annual Lecture 2015: China, the EU and the World Order, Brussels, 27 February – invitation to Harm Schepel
Dear Professor Harm Schepel (Hoi Harm)

On behalf of the board of editors of the Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) and the Centre of European Policy Studies (CEPS), it is my pleasure to invite you to attend the JCMS Annual Lecture 2015 which will be delivered by Professor CHEN Zhimin (Fudan University) on Friday 27 February. The JCMS Annual Lecture is open to all but we ask that you register in advance via http://www.ceps.eu/event/journal-common-market-studies-jcms-annual-lecture

Professor CHEN Zhimin will speak about China, the European Union and the World Order
Abstract: China and the EU are central to the (re)shaping of the world order, but their roles are complicated by their unusual characteristics: the EU is a transformative regional integration project, whereas China is a world power with a developing economy under a one-party-rule. How these two most unusual powers will interact in the future constitutes a major question for the evolving world order. Will the EU consolidate its security and economic alliances with North America? Will China and the US form a G2 to sideline the EU? Will China, the EU and the US develop variable coalitions on the basis of functional cooperation, so as to side-step potential geopolitical and geo-economic fault-lines? There are further questions too: Will the world be based on sovereign cooperation rather than on a post-sovereign rule-based system? Will the world order be characterized by decentralized regional orders? How can effective global governance be fostered under such circumstances? And what kind of internal reforms will China and the EU need to ensure their contribution to a more cooperative and progressive world order?

Professor Chen will address these important questions in the JCMS Annual Lecture 2015, which will be held in the wake of the CEPS Ideas Lab, on Friday 27 February, from 14:00-16:00, at The Egg, Rue Bara/Barastraat 175, Brussels.

To register for the JCMS lecture http://www.ceps.eu/event/journal-common-market-studies-jcms-annual-lecture

Could you please let us know by return email whether you might be able to join us at this event?

With best regards,

Amy Verdun
JCMS co-editor