Useful resource for BSIS students

November was a student at BSIS in 2005-6.

Alastair Ross | Head of European Administration | European Centres
University of Kent, Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 2641 1726 | Mob: +32 491 369 411 |

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Begin forwarded message:
From: November Tan <>
Date: 12 February 2015 02:51:16 CET
To: Alastair Ross <>
Subject: Useful resource for BSIS students
Hi, Alastair!

I wasn’t sure who to course this through, but I thought it might be useful information for some of your students.

I work with Asian Development Bank as a communications specialist for multiple departments. I read through a lot of their publications, project reports, etc…and they have so much knowledge I wish I had access to as a student in BSIS.

Could you please share this link with your current students? I imagine even alumni in the development field would find this useful too.
