Invitation Triple A event in Brussels – 23 February

Dear all,

Please find attached details of a forthcoming workshop relating to the adoption of quality standards for the provision of free legal assistance in the Balkans.

This may also be interest to those interested in human rights and law and development.

Please register beforehand:

Kind regards

Anthony Valcke

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Martina Pietrantoni <>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 February 2015, 17:31
Subject: Invitation Triple A event in Brussels – 23 February

Dear Anthony,

I hope you’re doing fine.
I am contacting you because we are organising a Round Table on Quality Standards in provision of information, advice and active help in the scope of the Triple A project.
The Round table will take place on 23 February in Brussels and all the Triple A partners will attend the event. The RT will be open to all the people interested in the topic.
We would be very happy if you could attend the Round table in the morning and the steering group meeting that we are organising for the TripleA partners in the afternoon.
I was also thinking that probably some of the students from the EU Rights Clinic could be interested in the Round table so it would be great if you could pass on the information and invite them to attend the event.

You will find more info on the event together with the registration form here:

Many thanks in advance!


Martina Pietrantoni
Program Assistant
European Citizen Action Service (ECAS)
77 avenue de la Toison d’ Or, 4th Floor
B – 1060 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 548 04 92
Fax: +32 2 548 04 99

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