Highly Important sessions by Ben Watson- Library and research sessions on Wed 18th and Thursday 19th February

Apology for cross-posting,

Dear all MA, LLM and PhD students at UKB,

Further to Inez’s earlier message (see below), could I remind you of the two important sessions that will be organised by Ben Watson who has kindly agreed to come all the way from the Templemen Library (at Canterbury, England) next week?

The first general session will take place at 1-4pm on Wed 18 Feb, followed by more individual-oriented troubleshooting sessions on the following 9-12 on Thurs 19 Feb. The sessions are highly recommended for all students, MA, LLM and PhD, and irrespective of the programmes you specialize in.

Ben is an excellent and qualified librarian who is highly skillful in guiding your research method in library and other sources in IR/Politics and Law. He is willing to help you better organise and streamline your research in an effective manner. Most students who attended the session in the 2nd Term said they benefited a lot.

It would be much appreciated if you could make an effort to attend the sessions.

Thank you very much.

Warmest wishes for a good day,

Dr. Yutaka Arai
Professor of International Law and International Human Rights Law
Deputy-Director in Law
University of Kent at Brussels
Boulevard de la Plaine 5
1050 Brussels

Professor of International Law and International Human Rights Law
Kent Law School
University of Kent
Kent CT2 7NS
United Kingdom
From: bsis-14-request@kent.ac.uk [bsis-14-request@kent.ac.uk] on behalf of Ben Watson [B.Watson@kent.ac.uk]
Sent: 02 February 2015 14:30
To: bsis-14@kent.ac.uk
Cc: Inez Summers
Subject: [bsis-14] PLEASE READ: Library and research sessions on the Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th February
Dear all,

This is to let you know that I will be visiting Brussels on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th February to deliver library research training.

At 13:00 on Wednesday 18th February (in the Wilson room) we will be looking at a range of research databases including the new Library Resource Discovery system (LibrarySearch). This session will cover sources for primary and secondary research materials and include significant coverage of reference management software (Refworks). I will also talk about the Brussels Patron Driven Acquisition scheme and highlight the support that is available to Brussels students when undertaking research.

From 9:00 on the morning of Thursday 19th February (in the Groom room) I will be around to offer drop-in advice so please come along with anything research based that you would like help with – this could be how to reference for your assignments, get signposts for starting a new piece of research, searching the academic web or getting the best out of related library services and systems such as multimedia. If I can help I will or if I don’t know the answer I will hopefully know the right person to ask!

All our welcome and I really look forward to seeing you all then.

Best regards,

Academic Liaison Librarian (Social Sciences)
Templeman Library
Information Services
Templeman Library
University of Kent

Tel: +44 (0)1227 823111
e-mail: b.watson@kent.ac.uk