Dear BSIS students,
Welcome back, I hope you had a lovely break!
You may have recently seen various messages introducing LibrarySearch as the new system for finding Library resources and from today this will be the main gateway to library resources replacing the library catalogue.
LibrarySearch is a really positive development as it enables you to search a wide range of the library’s print and e-collections simultaneously. A particular advantage of this is the ability to search for online journal articles by article title – allowing you to jump straight into the specific article you want to read. The Lawlinks finding legal articles guide outlines the process of searching for journal articles using LibrarySearch
For more in-depth research you may wish to use the library subject guides which will recommend and provide links to: databases, online newspapers and other online resources which are not discoverable through LibrarySearch. You can check which resources are included in LibrarySearch via the A-Z list of e-resources.
Where to get help
• Email
None of the above affects access to the Patron Driven Acquisitions process where you can purchase ebooks on behalf of the university. The process for this is below:
If you can’t find the e-book you need on LibrarySearch:
1. Log into the EBL platform with your University of Kent username and password.
2. Browse or search for the electronic book you would like to access either by author, title or keyword.
3. Click on the book to access it and start reading: if you access an e-book not already owned by the University of Kent this will initially trigger a 1 day electronic loan of the title.
4. If you or another Brussels student later access the same e-book it will be automatically purchased and permanently added to the University of Kent catalogue to the benefit of everyone at the University.
This is a process only available to BSIS students and there is no cost to you as a student so please make the most of this opportunity to develop the electronic library collection.
If you have any problems accessing the service, please see the Help/Feedback section (upper right hand side of the EBL platform page) or contact us:
Best regards,
Ben Watson
Academic Liaison Librarian (Law)
Templeman Library
Information Services
Templeman Library
University of Kent
Tel: +44 (0)1227 823111
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