AidEx is the leading international event for professionals in aid and development. AidEx is a multifaceted event, which encompasses a conference, exhibition, meeting areas, awards and workshops. Its fundamental aim is to engage the sector at every level and provide a one stop shop for the visitor to meet, source, supply and learn.
The Brussels School of International Studies will have a stand (E26) in the Careers Pavilion and advertise its Master programmes in International Development, International Conflict and Security and many more. If you are thinking of improving your career credentials and developing valuable transferable skills needed in today’s job market, then come and find out about our flexible postgraduate programmes.
Why study at the Brussels School of International Studies?
• A top 20 UK university
• World-leading academics and experienced practitioners
• Internships and networking
• Flexible teaching – full and part-time
• Cosmopolitan staff and student body
• Accredited in both Belgium and the UK
• January or September start
• 90 and 120 ECTS options and short courses
• Excellent career prospects
Find us on stand E26 at Brussels Expo!
Wednesday 12 November 2014
09:30 – 17:30
Thursday 13 November 2014
09:30 – 17:00
Hall 11
Brussels Expo
Belgieplein – 1 – Place de Belgique
B-1020 Brussels