Dear all,
As you will be aware, semester starts again on Monday 29 September and I am writing to you now, as continuing students, with information about teaching arrangements.
Module selection and changes:
As usual, all students are invited to attend the module presentation taking place during Orientation Week on Friday 26 September from 15.30 in the Rome and Lisbon Rooms downstairs at IES. All modules being taught in the September term will be presented. Students will then be able to attend as many lectures and seminars as they like in the first week of term before finalising their module choices.
Note that your module choices should be made in line with the individual pathways for your programme. See for the programme links and click on modules to see the list of modules available to you in each semester. If you wish to take a module outside of your pathway, you should discuss this with your programme convenor.
To see the modules you are currently registered for, please see check the Student Data System at If you wish to change one or more of your modules, you should email the Student Records Administrator at no earlier than the end of the first week of the semester.
Syllabi for all modules are available on the current student site at
The module timetables are now available at Note that given the complexity of both the FDR and Negotiation and Mediation modules, there is a separate timetable for these two modules. Please consult the syllabi for full details of these modules.
Library Information:
From the start of this academic year, we hope to greatly improve the provision of online e-books through an initial large purchase order followed by Student Driven Acquisition. This method allows you to read books online and then, when you reach a certain part of the book, you will be asked via a pop-up whether you wish to continue reading. If you answer ‘yes’ the book is then purchased for you by the University. The Brussels library pages are currently being updated to reflect these changes so do please check back in a week or two.
Facebook sites:
All students (current and past) are welcome to join the BSIS – University of Kent at Brussels site on Facebook (
BSIS 2013-14 students can continue to keep in touch via
Students registered in the 2014-15 academic year will shortly be invited to join a new Facebook group. Details will be forwarded to the new bsis-14 listserve once the new semester has started.
If you have any queries about arrangements for the coming academic year, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the relevant member of staff. Staff contact details are on the website at
We look forward to seeing those of you continuing your studies later this month and those of you who have now completed your studies at the Graduation Ceremony in Canterbury in November.
Best wishes,