
Dear all,

Since I’ve received a few queries on dissertation procedures, here the links to answer all of your questions:


https://www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/current/practical/coursework.html?tab=dissertations&tab2=submission (Be sure to click through all tabs).


Recent publications:

Migrants or Expatriates? Americans in Europe,  http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=500005

” ‘The distance between us’: a comparative examination of the technical, spatial and temporal dimensions of the transnational social relationships of highly skilled migrants” Global Networks,  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.chain.kent.ac.uk/enhanced/doi/10.1111/glob.12054/

Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels, Ph.D.
Lecturer in Migration and Politics
Director, MA in International Migration
Director of Graduate Studies