We have the pleasure to invite you to a seminar on the EU and Global Energy Governance, hosted by the Brussels School of International Studies at the University of Kent on Tuesday 24 June. The seminar will present the conclusions of a Jean Monnet research project of the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), TU Darmstadt (Germany) and the University of Victoria (Canada).
The EU and Global Energy Governance:
External Perceptions of the EU in the Eyes of BRICS vis-a-vis EU Self-Visions
Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Project, Lifelong Learning Programme, European Commission
4:00-4:10 Opening of the seminar by University of Kent hosts (Dr Tom Casier)
4:10-4:25 EU External Perceptions: Emerging Field in EU Foreign Policy and International Identity Studies
Prof Martin Holland, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, Director, National Centre for Research on Europe (NCRE), University of Canterbury, New Zealand
4:25-4:45 The EU as a Global Energy Actor: Views from the BRICS
Associate Professor Natalia Chaban, Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Identity, Head of the Global, Cultural and Language Studies, European and European Union Studies/ Deputy Director, NCRE, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
4:45-5:05 Global Energy Governance: EU Policies and Perceptions within the EU
Prof Michèle Knodt, Jean Monnet chair ad personam, Dean of Department of Social and Historical Sciences, Insitute of Poltical Science, TU Darmstadt, Germany
5:05-5:30 Q&A
Wilson room
Brussels School of International Studies
Pleinlaan / Boulevard de la Plaine 5
1050 Brussels
Map and directions: