BGU Constitution

Dear Friends!

The BGSU is operating now on a basis of our own good sense of how the student body should be organised. However, in order to set our Student Union firmly, we need a Constitution that clearly states our duties and responsibilities. And we produced such a Consitution! But, as a fully democratic body, we would like all the student body to approve this document via referendum. I am posting now a digest of what the constitution contains as well as the whole text. We… would like you all to read this and provide any feedback you may have! The whole text of the project of the Constitution is also attached, for a further analysis. The consultations will last for a week (till next tuesday) and then, at the end of next week, we will hold the referendum! We hope you will give us as much feedback as possible. Send any comments to


Kamil Ryszard Maj
Brussels Graduate Student’s Union
LLM in International Economic Law Candidate

See email of 19 March for attachments