High Hopes High Fears
How EU Enlargement is the most controversial contemporary policy issue
11 April 2014
Committee of the Regions
Rue Belliard 99-101
1040, Brussels Belgium
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey are all Candidate Countries for the European Union. What is the process of membership? What are the security implications for Enlargement? Given the recent developments in Lampedusa and other southern countries, how will EU Enlargement impact migration flows and routes? Legally, how will Enlargement affect countries’ judicial systems? How will Enlargement affect the economy of the EU? What role does the Neighbourhood Policy play in Enlargement?
The University of Kent Brussels School of International Studies aims to discuss some of the questions above through our 2014 International Conference High Hopes High Fears: How EU Enlargement is the most controversial contemporary policy issue. Speakers from various European Union institutions, private businesses, Non-Governmental Organizations, Think Thanks, International Organizations and members from the Academic community will come together to discuss how EU Enlargement will affect Security, Migration, Law and the future Economy of the EU and greater neighbourhood community.
Future Risks Future Chances: Migration and Security
• Ewa Moncure: Press officer at FRONTEX
Growing Together Growing Apart: Legal and Economic Implications
• Robert Bray: Head of Legal Secretariat European Parliament
• Dr. Bahadır Kaleagasi: International Coordinator, TUSAID – Turkish Industry and Business Association
• Christos Makridis: Deputy Head of Unit, Turkey Unit, Directorate General Enlargement, European Commission
Please register at: http://bsiscon2014.eventbrite.co.uk/ Or find us at
https://twitter.com/BSIS_IC2014 and tweet us at #BSIS_EU2014
For further information go to: www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/conference
Hannah Jordan
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer – Mali, West Africa 2011-2012
College of Arts and Sciences – Foreign Affairs
University of Virginia – 2010
US State Department Political Affairs Intern – Ljubljana, Slovenia 2009
+32 0485 50 52 43
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