Dear all students at UKB,
My apology for cross-posting.
Good evening. Further to Inez’s message of 6 Feb, can I remind all of you of the excellent opportunity to become ‘savvy’ in online research? This applies to all our students (whether or not doing research in legal sources).
Our law librarian, Ben Watson, is coming all the way from Canterbury, UK, to provide a presentation on Wed 19th Feb, 1-3pm, and a drop in session on Thur 20th Feb 9-12.
For many years, I have seen several students (both LLM and MA) having difficulty tapping into our rich electronic sources and data base (not least, the complex but highly useful law-database of Westlaw, etc) in the 2nd term (and even when writing their dissertations!)….
Please remember that our electronic library is one of the most endowed in UK-based universities! So I sincerely urge you to attend this if possible.
Thank you very much.
Warmst wishes for a lovely weekend,
Dr. Yutaka Arai
Reader in International Law and International Human Rights Law
Deputy-Director in Law
University of Kent at Brussels
Boulevard de la Plaine 5
1050 Brussels
Reader in International Law and International Human Rights Law
Kent Law School
University of Kent
Kent CT2 7NS
United Kingdom