Visiting Lecturer and BSIS alumnus, Chris Halburd, will host a Corporation Conference at the European Parliament, Brussels on 11 February 2014.
The event is hosted by Mr Richard Howitt MEP is is organised by Frank Bold (formerly know as The Environmental Law Service) in conjunction with the Modern Corporation Project, Cardiff Business School.
The Conference will discuss the popular concept that corporations exist principally for the purpose of maximising shareholder value arguing that this concept is now problematic as it is based on a model of the corporation that bears little relationship to the reality of 21st century corporate activity. The purpose of the event will be to gain an understanding of the assumptions that underlie this popular conception, how it is embedded in legal and social norms, why it is problematic and to start to think about what we can do about it in Europe generally. The event, bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders from academia, business, civil society and policy makers will discuss concrete recommendations and examples relating to this issue.
For further information and to register for this event, please visit
Chris is a member of the European Corporate Governance Institute. He was formerly a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Partner, for 15 years, in an Australian Law firm, a court appointed arbitrator and mediator, a director of a public sector entity and an NGO. Chris holds Diplomas in law and financial services, Masters Degrees in dispute resolution, business administration and public international law (with distinction) and has been published in peer reviewed academic journals in the areas of negotiation and mediation.
Chris now convenes the module in Corporate Governance at BSIS.