Two Capitals Presentation

Dear all,

This week we are being visited by Dr Georgeta Pourchot from Virginia Tech who will be visiting to finalise the Two Capitals programme. The Two Capitals programme has been developed to give students a unique opportunity to study international affairs at two different institutions.

On Thursday from 12:00 – 14:00, Dr Pourchot will be presenting to anyone interested in the Two Capitals programme, in particular about what you can expect during your time at Virginia Tech.  This will cover living and studying at Virginia Tech, and the logistics of how the Two Capitals programme will work. This will include the academic side of the programme, but also information about where to live in the area, fees and funding and cost of living.

If you are interested in hearing more about the opportunities from the Two Capitals programme, then please do attend. It will take place in the Gandhi Suu Kyi room.



Michael Sewell | Admissions and Recruitment | University of Kent, Brussels
Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent, Pleinlaan 5, Brussels 1050, Belgium

Tel: +32 (0) 2641 1721

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