The Brussels School of International Studies is delighted to host a Joint Workshop with National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine
“The EU’s Association Agreements with the Eastern Partnership Countries”
May 31, 2012, at 10:00-16:30, Wilson Room, Brussels School of International Studies
Boulevard de la Plaine 5, Third Floor, BE-1050 Ixelles, Bruxelles
10.00-10.10 Welcome
Tom Casier, Senior Lecturer, Brussels School of International Studies
Andreas Umland, DAAD Associate Professor, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
10.10-10.30 Opening statement
Nadiya Tsok, Deputy Head, Mission of Ukraine to the European Union at Brussels
Panel 1: “What’s New? The History, Contents and Meaning of the Association Agreements for the EaP Countries”
Andreas Umland, DAAD Associate Professor, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Roland Freudenstein, Head of Research, Centre for European Studies, Brussels, “International Democracy Support and the EU’s Eastern Partnership Programme”
Roman Petrov, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, “The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Towards a New Generation of Contractual Relations between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Countries”
Hrant Kostanyan, Associate Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, “The Role of the EEAS in the EU-Moldova Association Agreement Negotiations”
Coffee Break
Panel 2: “Where Are We Now? The Specific Legacies, Current Situation and Future Developments in the EaP Countries”
Tom Casier, Senior Lecturer, Brussels School of International Studies
Winfried Schneider-Deters, former Kyiv Office Head, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Heidelberg, “The EU’s Ukrainian Dilemma”
Agata Biernat, Doctoral Researcher, Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun: “Moldova and the Eastern Partnership: Taking Firm Steps Towards EU Accession?”
Ria Laenen, Senior Research Fellow, KU Leuven Institute for International and European Policy, “The EaP and EU-Association Process in Armenia and Azerbaidshan”
Lunch Break
Panel 3: “Will ‘Conditionality Light’ Work? Comparing the EU’s Eastern Enlargement and Partnership Policies”
Tom Casier, Senior Lecturer, Brussels School of International Studies
Maria Davydchyk, Program Officer, German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin: “The EU Policy of Critical Engagement towards Belarus: Claims versus Reality”
Maria Zolkina, Analyst, Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kyiv, “‘Light Conditionality’: Impeding Effects on Ukraine’s Europeanization”
Andreas Umland, DAAD Associate Professor, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy: “The
‘Simultaneity Dilemma,’ ‘Impossibility Theorem,’ and EU Membership
Perspective: Why the Eastern Partnership Has Been a Failure”
Closing remarks
Stefan Tressing, Desk Officer, European External Action Service, Brussels (TBC)
Andreas Umland, DAAD Associate Professor, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Tom Casier, Senior Lecturer, Brussels School of International Studies