Dear All
I am delighted to inform you that we are able to offer places on an exchange with the China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) in the next academic year. CFAU, which is based in Beijing, is China’s top foreign affairs institute and doubles up as an academy where they send all their future diplomats. If successful with your application, you will attend CFAU’s First Term (Sep 2013 to Jan 2014) and will have the opportunity to learn the Chinese language alongside political science courses in English.
The University will cover the cost of tuition, however, you will be expected to pay for flights, accommodation and living expenses. We estimate that CFAU’s accommodation costs are about €180 per month per person; two person room with en-suite facilities. Applicants to attend CFAU should ideally be Sep students who are coming to the end of their studies but strong candidates from other cohorts will also be considered. Registration dates will be adjusted so that you remain a University of Kent student during your time at CFAU. When assessing candidates the board will be looking for students who are hard working, have achieved good marks and would be good ambassadors for BSIS and the University of Kent.
Applications consisting of a CV together with a short statement (300 words) articulating why you want be considered for the exchange should be submitted to before Friday 12 April. Those interested may wish to have an informal discussion with Robert Zaman (, who attended CFAU in 2011, or Professor Roger Vickerman ( Interviews will be held in the week of 13-17 May.
Alastair Ross
Head of Administration
University of Kent, Brussels
Boulevard de la Plaine 5
1050 Bruxelles
Tel: + 32 2 641 1721
Mob: + 32 491 369 411
Fax: + 32 2 641 1720
Advanced International Studies in the Capital of Europe
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