Dear All,
I am very sorry but for reasons beyond my control I will have to cancel our class next Wednesday.
The schedule for the following weeks would be as follows:
Tuesday 12th March no lectures or seminars Tuesday 19th March – normal lecture and seminar schedule Tuesday 26th March – schedule as follows:
11h – Lecture – Gandhi, Suu Kyi & Groom
12h – Seminar 1 – Groom
13h – Seminar 2 – Groom
15h – Lecture – Wilson & Churchill
16h – Seminar 1 – Mandela
17h – Seminar 2 – Mandela
My apologies again for the unavoidable cancellation.
Best wishes,
Professor Richard G. Whitman
Professor of Politics and International Relations Room N4 W5 School of Politics and International Relations Rutherford College University of Kent Canterbury Kent CT2 7NX UK