Anneliese Baldaccini, Executive Officer at the Amnesty International EU Office in Brussels, will be our guest speaker at a combined Migration and Human Rights Forum on 19 November from 17.30 – 19.00 at BSIS, Gandhi Suu Kyi room. Anyone is welcome, she will be happy to answer our questions and make this an interactive session.
Anneliese is responsible for AI’s lobby and advocacy on EU policies in the field of immigration and asylum. She was previously an Advisor to the UK House of Lords European Union Committee and Human Rights Legal Officer on Asylum for JUSTICE, the British Section of the International Commission of Jurists. She has acted as a consultant to the Human Rights Policy Department of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office on preparations for the 2001 United Nations World Conference Against Racism, and has worked as independent consultant for several human rights organisations in London in the field of minority rights, non-discrimination, asylum and immigration.
Anneliese has a strong record of academic research, including publications in peer-reviewed journals, and has taken part in various research projects as part of academic networks examining issues of EU law and practice in the context of migration and borders, as well as evaluating the changing character of the relationship between liberty and security in Europe. She has been a guest lecturer several times for postgraduate law and human rights courses and contributes regularly presentations and papers to conferences and other events.
Selected Publications:
- ‘The EU Returns Directive: Principles and Protests’, in Refugee Survey Quarterly, Special Issue on Human Rights and Mobility (forthcoming)
- ‘Extraterritorial Border Controls in the EU: the Role of Frontex in Operations at Sea’, in V. Mitsilegas and B. Ryan (eds), Extraterritorial immigration control: legal challenges, Hart Publishing (forthcoming)
- ‘The return and removal of irregular migrants under EU law: an analysis of the Returns Directive’, 11 European Journal of Migration and Law (2009) 1
- ‘Interdependence of the various reforms and law proposals in the fields of counter-terrorism and police cooperation at the European level’ (co-authored with Valsamis Mitsilegas), Cultures & Conflicts, April 2008
- ‘Counter-terrorism and the EU Strategy for Border Security: Framing Suspects with Biometric Documents and Databases’, 10 European Journal of Migration and Law (2008) 31
- ‘From Amsterdam and Tampere to The Hague: An Overview of Five Years of EC Immigration and Asylum Law’ (co-authored with Helen Toner), in Baldaccini, Guild and Toner (eds), Whose Freedom, Security and Justice? EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, 2007
- ‘The External Dimension of the EU’s Asylum and Immigration Policies: Old Concerns and New Approaches’, in Baldaccini, Guild and Toner (eds), Whose Freedom, Security and Justice? EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, 2007
- ‘Asylum Support and EU Obligations: implementation of the EU Reception Directive in the UK’, IANL, Vol. 19, No.3, 2005
- Asylum Support – A practitioners’ guide to the EU Reception Directive, JUSTICE, 2005
- ‘EU Partnerships under the Hague Programme – Trading immigration controls for refugee needs’, JUSTICE Journal, Vol.2, No.1, 2005
- ‘The future of the struggle against racism’, in R. Smith and C. van den Anker (eds.), The Essentials of Human Rights, Hodder & Stoughton Educational, 2005
- ‘Refugee Protection in Europe – Reconciling asylum with human rights’, JUSTICE Journal, Vol.1, No.2, 2004
- Providing Protection in the 21st Century – Refugee rights at the heart of UK asylum policy, Asylum Rights Campaign (ARC), London, 2004
- ‘UK country report on managed migration’, in Jan Niessen and Yongmi Schibel, EU and US approaches to the management of immigration – Comparative perspectives, Migration Policy Group, Brussels, 2003
- ‘Public Emergency in the UK after September 11: A New Challenge to Asylum and to the Treatment of Aliens’, in Andrea de Guttry (ed), Beyond Reaction: Complexities and Limitations of the War on International Terrorism after 11 September, ETS Pisa, 2003
- Minorities and Conflict Prevention: The Case for a Special Representative, MRG Briefing Series, March 2002
- ‘A Critical Evaluation of International Human Rights Approaches to Racism’ (co-authored with Kevin Boyle), in Sandra Fredman (ed.), Discrimination and Human Rights: The Case of Racism, OUP, 2001.
Edited Volumes:
- With Elspeth Guild and Helen Toner, Whose Freedom, Security and Justice? EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, 2007
- With Elspeth Guild, Terrorism and the Foreigner: A decade of tension around the rule of law in Europe, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007