Bridging the gap between studies and practice: Shania Jeevan’s placement experience

Picture of Shania Jeevan

Shania Jeevan is a Biomedical Science student returning from her professional placement year. Read below for a brief chat about her experiences.

Hi Shania! Tell us a bit about your placement!

I worked as a LC-MS (Bioanalysis) student scientist at Resolian in Fordham, Cambridgeshire where I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the practical aspects of bioanalytical science and the pharmaceutical industry. One particularly memorable experience was mastering the use of LC-MS/MS, an advanced analytical instrument crucial for small molecule analysis. Initially, the complexity of the equipment was daunting, but with guidance from experienced colleagues, I quickly developed proficiency. This hands-on experience underscored the importance of precision and accuracy in bioanalytical processes.

That sounds technical! I bet you’ve built some great skills? 

Beyond technical skills, the placement was a profound learning journey in regulatory knowledge. Understanding and applying Good laboratory practice (GLP) and Good clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines ensured our studies met the highest standards of quality and compliance. Additionally, I honed my communication skills, learning to document experimental results meticulously and discuss potential improvements clearly.

On a personal level, working in a professional environment enhanced my self-awareness and professionalism. I embraced the values of punctuality, reliability, and teamwork, appreciating the collective effort required to achieve our goals. This placement was a transformative experience that significantly enriched my academic and professional development.

Wow! Has this enhanced your academic experience, too, then?

My placement at Resolian significantly enhanced my Kent experience by bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. It allowed me to apply the bioanalytical techniques I learned in class to real-world scenarios, deepening my understanding and competency. This hands-on experience has not only made my studies more relevant and engaging but has also prepared me for future professional challenges in the biomedical field.

That’s amazing that your placement connected so much to your degree! Do you feel more prepared for a future in Biomedical Science?

Yes, my experiences both in my course and during my placement have given me clear direction for my future career. The practical skills and regulatory knowledge I gained have solidified my interest in bioanalytical science within the pharmaceutical industry. I now have a strong desire to pursue a career that combines research, problem-solving, and compliance with regulatory standards, ensuring high-quality outcomes in the research and development field.

And do you feel Kent services and academics have supported you? 

Careers and Employability at Kent, along with my lecturers, have been incredibly supportive throughout my degree. The Careers team provided invaluable resources and guidance on securing my placement at Resolian. My lecturers have offered continuous support through personalised advice and engaging coursework all of which have been instrumental in my academic and professional growth.

What a fantastic team we have! Do you have any final bits of advice for someone considering Kent?

My top advice for a student considering biomedical science at Kent is to actively seek out practical experiences, such as placements or internships, early in your studies. These experiences are crucial for applying theoretical knowledge, gaining industry insights, and building a professional network. Additionally, take full advantage of the resources provided by the university, including support from lecturers and the Careers and Employability team, to enhance your learning and career prospects.