Postgraduate Symposium 2018 – Guest speaker Professor Jon Pines FRS
Thank you to everyone in the school who contributed to this year’s successful postgraduate symposium on 10 & 11 July 2018, including speakers, poster presenters, chairs, and prize judges.
The Symposium Lecture was given this year by Professor Jon Pines, FRS, Head of Division, Cancer Cell Biology, Institute of Cancer Research, London.
With 2 days of interesting science talks by our year 3 PhD students, the year 2 students presented posters and faced questions on their research by judges, academics and students. Finally, prior to the start of the lecture, as the second day drew to a close, our visiting speaker presented 3 of the winners with their cash prizes, while Dr Robert Young from Lonza presented the Lonza Biologics Award.
Congratulations to the overall prize winners:
Year 2 PhD poster presentation, judged by a panel of academic staff
- Chloe Johnson
Oral presentation by year 3 PhD student, voted by the students
- Rosie Gough
Knowles Prize for best presentation of an applied project by year 3 PhD student, judged by a panel of academic staff
- Jamie Barnett
Lonza Biologics Prize, presentation by year 3 PhD student, judged by Dr Robert Young (Lonza) and panel of academic staff
- Andy Martin
images by permission of Ian Brown: clockwise pictured above, Chloe Johnson, Andy Martin, Jamie Barnett and Rosie Gough