The School of Biosciences is ranked among the UK’s best universities for the biological sciences in the 2018 Guardian University Guide, ranked 21st out of 102 eligible institutions.
Among specific themes in the league table, the School ranked 10th for “satisfied with course”, 15th for “career after 6 months”, and 18th for “satisfied with teaching”. Our overall ranking of 21st places us in the top quartile of UK universities, and above prestigious institutions including UEA (23rd), Glasgow (27th), Liverpool (29th), King’s College London (31st), Durham (32nd) and Newcastle (33rd).
With top 10 performances in the National Student Survey and Research Excellent Framework, and professional accreditation of it undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, the School of Biosciences is a leading UK centre of research, education and training in the biological sciences.
The University of Kent also secured its position as one of the UK’s leading Universities, ranked 22nd out of 121 eligible institutions.