In a unique event that blurs the boundaries between science and the arts, research from the School of Biosciences will be explored alongside live musical performance on the University of Kent’s Canterbury campus.
Cellular Dynamics takes place on Wednesday 1 February, 1.10-1.50pm as part of the Music Department‘s Lunchtime Concert series in the Colyer-Fergusson Concert Hall. This spectacular environment provides an unusual backdrop in which to explore visual culture emerging from cutting-edge research from the School of Biosciences, revealing hidden beauty within experimental data, live cell imaging video and laboratory spaces. Developed as a collaborative project between Dr. Dan Lloyd (School of Biosciences) and Dan Harding (Music Department) Cellular Dynamics is unique visual and musical exploration of biology, capturing fascinating yet rarely-seen elements of laboratory research culture. Live performance of the music of Philip Glass, Tarik O’Regan and Gavin Bryars will provide a suitably meditative atmosphere in which to explore fundamental processes within living cells.
This event will be accompanied by an exhibition featuring selected images from the School of Biosciences Stacey Collection, which will be on display in the Colyer-Fergusson Gallery during the Spring term.