Medway Athena SWAN Awareness Day- 2 April

The Athena SWAN Working Group are pleased to invite Medway staff to attend the first Medway Athena SWAN Awareness Day on Wednesday 2 April 2014.

The University of Kent has committed to the Athena SWAN initiative which aims to advance the representation of women in science, technology, engineering, medicine and mathematics (STEMM). We’ve already held Athena SWAN Awareness Days in Canterbury, and the success of these, has inspired us to schedule a similar event at Medway.

A draft programme is already available and we invite you to join us for refreshments in the Rochester Boardroom at 9.30am. The event will run until 13.30 and includes lunch.

We can confirm that Professor Sarah Spurgeon, Head of EDA, will be speaking about her experiences of studying and working in a traditionally male dominated field and a panel discussion will give participants the chance to discuss the initiative and what we’re doing here at Kent.

There will also be workshop sessions on work/life balance and how work is valued.

The event will end with a presentation, which will be vital to all School Athena SWAN Committees, as Peter Clarkson will share his experiences of being an Athena SWAN panellist.

We welcome all staff – men and women; Academic Schools and Professional Services – to attend the event.

To secure your place, please contact Jess Cockell.
