It can be difficult trying to keep up with everything happening in your life as a student. You have lectures, seminars, assignments, exams and a personal life to worry about! So it can be quite easy for activities to fall by the wayside and be forgotten. But rest assured there are plenty of events for you to engage with and we’re here to help you find them!
The Division of Arts and Humanities has activities which occur every week, whether they are organised at the Divisional level, or aimed at particular schools or courses. Generally, you will see flyers and posters around campus, and your lecturers may announce whether any events are coming up. Arts and Humanities also has a Moodle page and Events page which are updated with the latest happenings in the Division.
You may also want to consider our frequent Student Experience Newsletters which go to your Kent emails, as well as our Padlet pages. Our newsletters are separated for UGs and PGs and our Padlet pages are similar – we have pages for our weekly events, PG-specific events and events for both UGs and PGs across the entire year. This reduces the amount of information you’re confronted with so you can more easily find activities that are relevant to you.
The University has an events calendar where events open to all students can be found and Kent Union also has an events page
Lastly, if you have joined any groups or societies, they likely have their own channels by which they advertise their plans.
As you can tell, there are plenty of ways for you to find out what’s happening as a student, so definitely check out the links above and click on the events that interest you!