Accessing Support and Healthcare

There are many paths to support available to you here at Kent. It can sometimes be difficult to understand what choices you have, so to help point you in the direction that’s best for you, we thought it’d be a good idea to outline some of your options. Please be aware that this is not a replacement for official University support channels, but merely a blog post to direct you to the services you might need.


Emergency Services:

  • For immediate danger, call 999 and ask for ambulance/police/fire/coastguard.
  • For emergencies on campusCampus Security staff are on duty 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and can always be contacted on their emergency number: 01227 823333. For non-emergencies that require campus security, dial 01227 823300. Campus Security also have an app called Safezone which students and staff may download.
  • Other emergency contacts can be found following this link.

Disability Support:

  • Disability Support at University of Kent can assist those with physical mobility and access issues, hearing loss, visual impairment and other medical conditions. The Disability Team offers online and offline one-to-one meetings, can create support plans and liaise with divisional support teams. This support is available to both UK and international students, however, only UK students may apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance.
  • Support with accessibility needs.
  • Disability Rights UK is the nation’s leading organisation run by and working for disabled people and actively campaigns for a better quality of life and economic opportunities for disabled people. Their website has a plethora of resources, helplines and events.

BAME Support:

  • Black Learning Achievement and Mental Health (BLAM) offers mental health support to individuals from Black British communities. They also offer free, online group therapy sessions for Black British people over the age of 18.
  • The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network (BAATN) has a list of therapists from BAME backgrounds and can point you in the direction of local mental health and advocacy groups.
  • Inspirited Minds is a faith-based mental health charity which primarily supports those of Islamic faith. Muslim Community Helpline provides a similar service.
  • Jami provides mental health support for members of the Jewish community through online services, community forums, advice and education.
  • Southeast and East Asian Centre was created by and for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers from Southeast and East Asia and people of those heritages living in the UK. They provide community support on welfare, immigration, discrimination, gender-based violence, employment and mental health.
  • Citizens Advice provides free advice on your rights, including experiences of harassment, discrimination, finances, housing and other problems.

LGBTQ+ Support:

  • Support channels for LGBTQ+ individuals can be found on the LGBTQ+ help page for the University.
  • There is a free and confidential peer-support group run in Canterbury for all transgender, intersex and non-binary people at the University of Kent. It’s run by non-binary people, for non-binary people. Family, friends and partners are welcome. The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month (evenings, term time only). If you want to find out more, here is the webpage for the group. To make the event as safe as possible, you must be admitted to their Facebook group before learning where meetings are.
  • Trans Unite can help you locate more transgender support groups in your area.
  • Switchboard LGBTQ+ helpline is a safe space to discuss anything, including things pertaining to your sexuality, gender identity and wellbeing.
  • LGBTQ+ Muslim support group, Imaan.
  • LGBTQ+ Jewish support group Rainbow Jews hosted by Liberal Judaism. KeshetUK provides a similar service.

Other Services:

  • Student Support and Wellbeing have a variety of support options covering mental health, long-term health conditions, support for international students and more. There are also divisional student support teams who may be able to provide you with course-specific support. Also, they have published a Self-help Resource List which covers addiction, mental health, relationships, support while studying and more.
  • For students and staff of any faith (including those of no faith), there is the chaplaincy, which also runs its own social events.
  • Mature Student Society is open to students who were over 21 at the start of their degree, have perhaps worked prior to returning to education, have dependants or caring responsibilities or otherwise identify as a mature student. They offer a social environment through multiple online and offline forums by which mature students can meet and support each other, form study groups and forge friendships.
  • Report and support service for incidences of harassment, stalking, sexual misconduct, bullying and more. Their website also explains how to spot those behaviours and provides resources that can help support you as you work through those experiences.
  • University of Kent Medical Centre (also provides sexual and psychological health services).
  • Joining societies and student networks can help you form connections and take part in social activities with other people. Kent Union also have a buddy scheme (including a PG one running over the summertime), and their own wellbeing resources.
  • Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS) is an academic service which assists students with study skills and support from foundation year to PhD. They cover all courses and can help with writing skills, mathematics, assignments and revision. One-to-one appointments can be delivered online or face-to-face.
  • Arts and Humanities Programmes Administration assists with student registration, module registration, record updating, operational management of exams, exam result processing, current and alumni document processing, timetabling and academic data changes. They can be contacted at If you require the Central Student Administration Office for Medway or Canterbury, you can contact them by following here.
  • Nightline is a listening service for students, run by trained student volunteers. You can talk about anything and all calls are confidential and anonymous. Call them on 01227 824848
    (8pm – 8am, Friday and Saturday).