Meet Ada…
Ada Nifosi is a Lecturer in Ancient History, and has been at the University of Kent for 12 years.
Why is Women’s History Month important to you?
My research focusses on the life of ordinary women from Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Women’s history month often offers me the opportunity to give public talks where I can convey lesser known insights into ancient women’s lives.
Can you tell us about a woman who inspires you?
The women of my family and in particular my mum who is a brilliant academic and an amazing mother.
How do you make time for yourself?
Everyday I remind myself to switch off my computer and smartphone for a while so I can stop staring at a screen and rest my eyes and my mind.
Do you have any words of wisdom you would like to share?
For women especially, never feel guilty about your life choices: choose to be and do what is best for you.